Persian Halim (Haleem) Wheat and Meat Porridge

Persian Halim (Haleem) Wheat and Meat Porridge

Halim is a Persian dish, made in different occasions and served as breakfast, or for Iftari in Ramadan. There are many kinds of Persian Halim, Wheat Halim mostly served on cold days of winter to give energy and make people’s hearts warmer. Eggplant Halim or Halim Bademjan, which is served as lunch, Iftar, dinner, full…

8 Things not to do when visiting Iran

8 Things not to do when visiting Iran

With every country, comes many customs and traditions, with every custom, comes one or more rules. When visiting a country, there are things you absolutely shouldn’t do; otherwise, you might hurt someone’s feelings or disrespect a tradition. Iran is no exception. Being one of the world’s oldest civilizations, Iran has a rich culture that has…