Table of Contents
1. It’s Free!
As the name yells out the most important thing about Free Tours in Iran is that they are free! Although Iran is a cheap country, you don’t have to throw your hard-earned money down the drain right? Since the concept of a free tour is tip-based, you can pay as much as you want on a free walking tour based on how much you think the tour is worth. This fact gives you the upper hand and you would not get cheated or outpriced. Don’t worry about the cost or planning, just show up and enjoy the performance!
2. Meet New People
Free tours are perfect opportunities to meet new people and find exciting traveler friends. You can share your Iran experiences, and learn about their culture while enjoying the tour. Who knows? you may even end up traveling together, sharing hotel rooms and cabs which makes your trip more exciting and helps you to save more money!
3. Shows The Big Picture
Covering the most important and famous highlights, free walking tours give you a taste of the city. You will get familiar with the city’s history and the main attractions and will have a better understanding of the people and their lifestyle. You can choose where you want to spend your days and won’t waste your precious time in an overrated area.
4. Earth Friendly
Travel on foot, save the planet! Air pollution, especially in big cities like Tehran, is causing all sorts of damage to animals, plants, and our lungs. Climate change is as real as it gets and travelers who love the Earth should try to do something about it. By not using buses and cars you can help to make the world a better place.
5. Higher Quality
Your experts will try their best to impress you to earn more money since the tips are their only source of income for these tours. This is why they make sure that you are having fun and use their sense of humor and fascinating stories to guarantee the quality of the tour and therefore customer satisfaction.
6. Local Guides
Since it is not worth it to travel to another city and perform a free tour, you get to have a local guide showing you their own city. Nobody knows a city better than its own citizens and you will experience the town through the eyes of a local. A local guide can give you essential tips and advice on the best or cheapest hotels, restaurants, and cafes and their own unique hangout places. We recommend PersianWalk in Tehran, Ehsan is a professional free walking tour expert. He is young, passionate, and knowledgeable, and will make you fall in love with the capital.
7. Group Fun

Moving as a group has its own benefits and disadvantages. Although the group may slow you down a little bit, you will hear different comments and opinions from different points of view. Also, people will share their experiences and ask questions that may be helpful for you. The joyful nature of a walking tour is more appreciated as a group, you will walk together, laugh together, and learn about the city.

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